This is Moi

My photo
Ontario, Canada
Born 1988, Freelance Photographer...who takes photos and generates designs for the general public.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Coming Soon....

Once my prices get finalized I will be posting the price sheets and packages.


This is my Flier that will be distributed to the public once I have my prices down pat.

Monday, 25 March 2013


This is my letterhead for all my documents...whether they be contracts/agreements, bill of sale, or just anything in general, This one happens to be for my General Contract. *The General Contract area of this letterhead gets updated for every contract I have..for ex: could be Newborn(s) Contract or Wedding Contract and etc...


This is my Logo that I will be putting on all my photo's. "Colours may be adjusted depending on the colour contrast of photo.

Business Card Design

 This is Side A of my Photography/Design Business.  As you can see here..the name i have gone with for my business is K.M.H photography..simple and to the point. The colours I have gone with are teal and, white and black. They pop and make a bold statement.