This is Moi

My photo
Ontario, Canada
Born 1988, Freelance Photographer...who takes photos and generates designs for the general public.

About Moi

Hello All, 
  My name is Katherine Horvath (born Feb 1988) and if you haven't already guessed I am a freelance photographer, artist, and digital designer. This blog however will be more or less mainly about my photography and the ventures that I will be going through to build up my business. 
  This however, being my first post I will introduce you all into my life and tell you a little about myself and how I came to this point in my life to pursue photography as a career: 
   Growing up in a small country area with not much hustle and bustle or art influence I started at a very early age absolutely loving art in every way. My very first artistic equipment was a "magnadoodle" which was like the best drawing toy out there for little kids in the late 80's to early 90's. I would draw for hours with family members and as i began to grow up I started getting into drawing in general and colouring and experimenting with ideas, colours, textures etc. When i hit highschool I knew I was going to be one of the artistic kids...I took art, photography and communications all through the years. When it came time to apply to College I already had decided that art was going to be the main focus and Seneca College was the best facility for me. I took Art Fundamentals for 1 year to find what area of art I wanted to focus my time on. By the end of that year I knew that digital was the way to go with the technology advancing and my interests in the digital world, so I took Digital Media Arts for 2 years and fell head over heels for video, sound, and photography alike. I always had the biggest passion for photography so i just knew that photography was going to be my main focus when I got out of college.  I have experience with both traditional and digital photography, I mainly just do digital photography just because the demand is more and I love how crisp and beautiful a digital image imprints on a camera...the colours are vibrant and the image is sharp and the quality is impeccable.
   Some of places that I have got to use my skills as a photographer have been: 
  1. CN Tower in Toronto, ON as a photographer and digital imager. 
  2. Photography/Claymation Teacher at a kid's summer camp.
  3. Garden Photographer for the Lydendoch, ON annual garden show. 
  4.  Wedding Photographer
  5. Wedding Shower Photographer
  6. And various freelance photography for companies and leisure. 
   I also have a real nack for editing and manipulating photo's. Two of the main editing programs that I use are Photoshop and Lightroom. They alow me to do just about anything to a photo. These programs are just excellent and awsome to work with.
   Some of the equipment that I have now that I am trying to establish myself as a professional freelance photographer are: 
  •  Two canon SLR camera: 60D, and a Rebel XTi
  • Canon Speedlite Flash 580WXll
  • Lenses-15-85mm, portrait lens-50mm, zoom lens-75-300mm, wide angle lens-10-20mm
  • 2 Cactus Flash transmitters
  • Remote control transmitter
  • 3 tripods- 1 small, 2 large
  • Umbrella flash softbox kit
  • Sun Deflector
  • Backdrop kit
   Some other things that I am very familiar with and comfortable using are:
  •  Blue/Green Screen 
  • Strobe lights
  • Softboxes and Reflectors 
  • Camera Filters
   So there you have it...a little about myself and about my photography background and interests. I hope you all read and follow my blog as the stories, ventures, images and everything in between starts to build up.
   Please feel free to comment, post, like, give advice or just simply share your opinion. Till the next blog.....HAPPY VENTURING EVERYONE!!!

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